When you want to install the
RAM for dev, Storage for Prod Flash breaks all the bootloader stuff
vector font bootloader //decimal values dont work for size g.setFont(“Vector:12”,1.5)
this doesnt work g.setFont(“12x20:0.5”)
g.setFont(“8x16”); seems to be the best one for questions because its big enough
There is really no way to make it into a typescript project, which is a shame
x is X axis (left-right) in g y is Y axis (up-down) in g z is Z axis (in-out) in g diff is difference between this and the last reading in g mag is the magnitude of the acceleration in g
{ "x": 0.13757324218, "y": 0.34716796875, "z": -0.95874023437, "mag": 1.02889981655,
"diff": 0.009765625 }
{ "x": 0.13610839843, "y": 0.34326171875, "z": -0.95678710937, "mag": 1.02557090264,
"diff": 0.00451660156 }
{ "x": 0.13439941406, "y": 0.34460449218, "z": -0.958984375, "mag": 1.02784555747,
"diff": 0.00305175781 }
{ "temperature": 32.46463317871, "pressure": 1010.76270947779, "altitude": 20.72900490513 }